Updated 07.2024



VORTEX LOG - Pilot Logbook
Updates 30 Mar 2023

Dear Pilots,

We had again a major issue due to hacking.

Despite the very strong protection provide by the server we had to find a very difficult change in our files.

Today you can again recover your password and the site is working again correctly.

Many thanks for your patience.


Site is actually online again after few weeks of real issues.
Updates 4 Aug 2021

After many issues due to several reasons, the site is again online under test.

You can use it normally except for some function.

The actual issues with some functions are under control and we are working on it. Should be solved in a very short time.


Thanks for your patience and we appreciate of course your feedback.

Site is actually online again after few weeks of real issues.
Updates 4 Aug 2021

Several errors
Updates 30 Nov 2019

We have now corrected most of the errors you could have seen.

We appreciate your feedback and will immediately take action.

Many thanks


Your browser
Updates 27 Aug 2015

Due to many updates on our side, it can be possible that your have to delete your browser history.

Some old pages can be memorized by your browser and must be deleted.

You will then have the last version of the vortexlog.com with all corrected bugs

Thanks and...safe flight

Updates 26 Aug 2015

Have some more issues in correction actually

1.Submit button in the "import files" is missing and in correction progress.

2.Submit button in the initial setting exist but has no text. Is in correction progress.

3.Had 1 report of duplicate entries. Reason is error in Database transfert to new one. Is probably isolated but report if you have this problem. Can be corrected by us very easely.

Update today
News 21 Aug 2015

Dear Vortexlog users,

We have had 2 report of some logbook entries missing.

We have recovered the missing items is a very short time.

Be aware that we have now a very performant support and we really suggest you to send mail to support or send feedback for ANY problem you could have (also simple remaks). We will manage the error reports very fast.

It is sometimes difficult to understand the complexity of upgrading such a web-based platform and we apologize for any incovenience you could have experienced. The major upgrades are now done and we now start the correction of the small issues you all could report to us. This is our priority.

Thanks again using vortexlog.com




Lost password
Updates 3 Oct 2014

Dear All,


We have had 1 report of impossibility to recover your password.

If this happen, please send a mail to supportvortexlog.com and we will reset your password manually and send you a confirmation email.

In the meantime we are looking to solve the problem0

Thanks again using vortexlog.com

VortexLog 3 Beta
News 25 Mar 2010

To all pilots who have hung in there with VortexLog, thank you for your patience. I am releasing VortexLog 3 in a Beta testing version to you - really the only thing left to do is update the Video Tutorials (no big deal, right?). Here are a few of the improvements:

  • Text can now be added in fields.

  • Improved drag and drop interface.

  • Improved Ajax interface (less refreshing of the screen).

  • Logbook Backup and Print is now possible for "Entire Career."

  • Improved "Add New Flight" interface.

  • Always "Open Edit." I did away with the Open Edit function, and now, in order to edit a field, just DOUBLE CLICK it.

  • Be notified of recency of experience alerts days or even weeks in advance.

As I said before, the video tutorials are not yet ready, but you can check VortexLog's Wiki out at http://vortexlog.intodit.com for detailed instructions. As always, if you do not understand something or you run into any bugs, email me at isaac@vortexlog.com

Thank You!!!
News 21 Oct 2009

I want to take a moment to thank all of you, pilots from around the world, who use VortexLog. I hear it over and over, VortexLog is by far one of the best pilot logbook programs in the web today; thanks to you for all your support and ideas that keep making for a more user-friendly, full featured logbook. I have a lot of work to do, many suggestions to move forward on; position and hold because we're about to move to the next level.

Happy Flying! Isaac R.

Secure Sockets
News 15 Jun 2009

All information transmitted to and from VortexLog.com is now secure with a 256 bit encryption. This means your data will be nothing but a random assortment of numbers, symbols and letters to anyone attempting to view it as  it is traveling from from your computer to us. Read more on SSL (now TLS) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security

Recency of experience in your inbox
Updates 4 Feb 2009

Your recency of experience warnings status, expired endorsements, and expired medical certificate dates are now delivered directly to your email inbox. You also have the option of subscribing to an RSS feed of the same which is updated daily. See the blog "RSS Feed 12 Jul 2008".

Pie Charts
Updates 28 Jan 2009

In addition to line charts, pie charts are now available. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your suggestions for improving the program - "thank you!". Here's what the "pie's" look like.

Pie Chart

Drag n Drop Interface
News 21 Jan 2009

Merely a day after I introduced the use of graphs in VortexLog.com, I'm very pleased to announce yet another technology for you to take advantage of. You can now drag and drop to organize columns and headers. Try it, just mouse down on a header and drag it to a new location within the headers. Pretty neat huh? I'll be looking for more ways to implement this and other "newer" web technologies as always to keep meeting and exceeding your expectations.

Thanks all,

New: Graphs!
Updates 21 Jan 2009

Here is yet another great new feature that I love and so will you. You can now view and compare your flight experience with the help of our new charts or graphs. It's very simple to use and can be customized to compare different aircraft types, "N" numbers, types of hours, and time spans ranging from 1 week to your entire career.

Chart Example

Try it out free. Don't delay to get your account.

Airpot Guide.com
News 20 Aug 2008

We are pleased to announce our recent partnership with Airport Guide.com. You'll notice that any airports in your entries will be linked back to Airport Guide just in case you need further info on that facility. Not only can you find informaion pertinent to pilots, but other data is present as well (photos, hotels, rental cars, etc..). It is a great honor to be part of their recent web developments since they have released reliable and successful software versions of this program in the past. Please welcome them aboard by checking them out at http://www.airportguide.com.

We are always looking for new parterships. If you have a useful pilot related app or website and are interested in a potential partnership, let us know. Contact feedback@vortexlog.com.

Safe flying everyone,
Isaac R.

Import a file
Updates 18 Jul 2008

The capability to import files in .CSV format was added. After uploading the file, it is read and every single cell is then added to a sepparate entry in the database. This enables you extract,view and manipulate the information as if you had entered it in your VortexLog pilot logbook manually. There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to formating the spreadsheet on the pre-upload phase. For more details, go to the "Help" section of the program.

Updates 14 Jul 2008

Exporting your entire logbook or any date ranges thereof to a spreadsheet format can now be accomplished with just a few clicks. You can choose from two file types (.XLS and .CSV), each of them have their own advantages. For more information on this, see the "Help" section within the program. Import capabilities soon to come!

RSS Feed
Updates 12 Jul 2008

You are now able to subscribe to your own RSS Feed which will update daily to let you know at a glance if you are still current and legal to fly without having to sign in to the program. For more information about RSS and how you can use it, Click Here.

Site officially launched!
News 5 Jul 2008