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Dear users,

As you know we are developping our sites.

Actually we are in the final process of FLIGHT HUB upgrade.

FLIGHT HUB is now a super performant system for Flight Training Management including a very efficient and pro booking system and an Aircraft Management system also for use by the Maintenance facility..

We are now in a process, starting the VORTEXLOG upgrade and would ask you to report us any even small remark you have.

As you know, everyting has a price and we cannot continue with completely free operation as we need money for developpement.

In a very short time, the first 30 day trial will allow any new user to test the logbook.

After the 30 day's trial we will charge 2$/month.

For you as actual user, we will offer you the first 30 day's from the start of the payment period.

Hope you understand, we greatly will appreciate you feedback.

Thanks again for using

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